Listicles Are Dead. Here’s Why I’m Calling for No Listicle November

Can you still read an article without a list to guide you?

Doran Lamb
5 min readOct 26, 2021
Photo by April C. on Unsplash

I recently read a nice piece, with a ton of great tips from Christina M. Ward on how to get more engagement from readers.

Because engagement and readers engaging with our stories is what we all want right?

Well not always. People don’t always write for others to read or indeed for money, but generally I would say that we are all wanting more eyes on our beauties.

One of Christina’s tips was to write more listicles. But are listicles really all that more successful than anything else? And do we need them quite as much as we use them?

I’m going to annoy everyone now by arguing the listicle is dead.

Listicles are lazy AF

Listicles are the writer’s equivalent of a sweat suit. They’re oh so easy to pull on but everyone hates themselves for wearing them. You can do better than a sweatsuit and you can do better than a listicle.

And by the way before I get a ton of angry comments from people wearing tracksuits writing listicles, I am roasting myself here. If you need proof just skim through my most recent pieces and see if you can not find a listicle.



Doran Lamb

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction.