Thanks Patricia for reading and replying. Well AA I think has many faults. AA meetings are alot like a lottery and there are some that are taken over by people who want to create their own mini fan club. It can be dangerous. Also, AA as great as it is for some, doesn't work for the majority of addicts. Current research places it's success rate around 5-8%. It's created not on scientific principles, but on what worked for a couple of guys back in the 1930s. In can be a model that offers very little in terms of true recovery. The focus is on you, the bad naughty alcoholic who must repent. Sadly, we know now that this is not the case and the majority of people who fall into addiction come from a background of abuse and trauma. AA doesn't look at this and requests you accept full responsibility for your addiction. Whilst it may work for some people, it actually works less for the majority and its doctrine encourages the addict to take full responsibility. I think it could be dramatically improved upon